Thursday, January 24, 2008

Moratorium on knitting and scrapbooking purchases

I have promised myself that I won't buy more books, yarn, patterns, needles, stickers, papers, etc. until I at least finish the projects that I'm currently working on. It's hard!!! I think I enjoy shopping for crafting supplies even more than I actually enjoy doing the projects! I am much more of an idea person than an execution person. I love fantasizing about how cool it would be to do X. Doing X always seems to be harder - especially when there's not a quickly approaching deadline!

So... I need to finish up my cross-country roadtrip scrapbook and then move on to finishing up a blanket I'm trying to knit for my dad and a scarf I really want to finish for Lauren's mom. At the rate I've been going, this should keep me from spending money until sometime after 2010.